We invite you to join us for our Bible Study, Wednesdays in the Word on the Web and in-person with Pastor André A. McGhee. Wednesday in-person at 11:45 AM and on-line at 7:00 PM on Greater St. John’s YouTube channel and Facebook page.

We invite you to join us for our bible study, Wednesdays in the Word on the Web with Pastor Andre A. McGhee each Wednesday at 7 p.m. The bible study can be found on Greater St. John’s YouTube channel and Facebook page.
Currently, we are studying the book of Job. This Old Testament book is a "gold mine" of help for anyone going through adversity or supporting someone else going through adversity. The study guide was written by Tommy C. Higle.

Currently, we are studying the book of Colossians. Colossians is short, only four chapters, but it is a power-packed book that tells us how to become all God wants us to be. The textbook we are using is “Journey into Becoming All God Wants You To Be" by Tommy C. Higle.